
international citizens

Information page for internationals living in Billund Municipality

Billund Culture School is a public institution, based in Billund municipality. The Culture School is providing tuition in English (read more in the blue box).

As a public institution, the Culture School offers lessons to all municipal residents.  This means that it also falls under the purview of the Ministry of Culture and its regulations regarding music schools.  

Billund Culture School follows the calendar of the municipality’s public schools, with a new season of music lessons starting each August.  Notice of admission, along with the time and place of lessons, will be sent by email in mid-August. It is possible to register at any time during the year via the Culture School’s website, but the deadline to register for the following academic year is 1 May. Registration is for one year at a time.

In the regulations regarding music schools in Denmark it is stated that user fees may not amount to more than 1/3 the total cost of lessons; this, in order to keep lessons affordable for all.  This means that the largest part of lessons is paid by Billund Municipality and, therefore, Billund Culture School is limited in the number of students it may take on each season.  This restriction, combined with the fact that our teachers are full-time employees with a set number of hours, means that we cannot adjust the total number of teaching hours offered after the start of a new season.

Spots for lessons are assigned according the following rules:

  • First-come, first-served principal
  • Continuing students before new students, as long as registration is received on time
  • Orchestra instruments before piano, drums and guitar
  • Children before adults (applies primarily to solo-lessons)
  • Students who live in Billund Municipality have first right
  • Also note that to attend a Danish music school, one must have a Danish CPR number

Since, financially, we are limited to a certain number of lesson spots, it is often necessary to put a number of students on the waiting list.  If spots open up in the course of the season, some students on the waiting list will be offered lessons.  Spots are given based on the priority list noted above.  It is possible to register for the waiting list at any time during the year.  The length of the waiting list varies by instrument.

Based on pedagogical evaluation, we have set certain age limits for lessons in the different instruments.  You can read more about this on our website.  In addition to this, we expect that students will practice at home, and that families therefore have access to the relevant instrument.  The Culture School has orchestra instruments for hire.  Other instruments must be acquired elsewhere by the student.

We hope to see you at the Culture School and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by email: kulturskolen@billund.dk or by phone: 7972 7030 (open tuesday-thursday from 8.30-11.30)

We offer solo lessons that can be taught in English, ensuring accessibility for all students. Additionally, the majority of our group classes in dance, art, and music are conducted in both Danish and English. This bilingual approach caters to our diverse community.

We are proud to provide specialized music classes tailored for the international community in Billund. Programs like BABY BEATSMUSIC STARTER, and MUSICROCKET are designed to meet the needs of our international students, fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.


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7972 7030
Tuesday-Thursday from 08.30-11.30


Hans Jensensvej 6C, 7190 Billund


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